One headshot to represent you online, in publications will not work for every single scenario. One headshot will not rule them all. Some publications papers are more serious and your image needs to portray your professionalism. Published papers, reports etc all need that approachable yet calm touch. Same for LinkedIn. This is the face we present to show our experience and knowledge as an expert in our field. It’s less about personality and about your gravitas.

Newspapers and blog articles are key places to use headshots that also borderline on a portrait, they can be full personality and a brilliant smile. This is you sharing your personal self, your ‘brand’ in essence. It can be slightly quirky, share your fashion sense, be full of confidence and approachability.

So when you are finding your clothes for your headshot, also consider where you want to use your headshot. Every location you use your headshots will have a slightly different presentation to consider. Make sure to think, talk to me about your thoughts and together we’ll make sure we make photographs to represent you professionally and at your best.
Book a Shoot to enquire about headshots for you.