Remember your family exactly as they are right now with a beautiful family heritage portrait

Dec 3, 2019 | Heritage Portrait York

I have seen this style of portraiture for many many years, a family of heads all lined up. When done in this very classic black background with rim light portraits it’s both timeless and a great way to remember everyone in your family. Even if the two little monkey boys were climbing over couches and demanding ‘me next, me next’ to be photographed when they realised I asked them do their best fake laughs and purposefully pull funny faces. That’s all part of who we are too. Even with all the chaos of family, there are moments, just moments where everything comes together.

Heritage family portrait

You don’t have to be dressed in formal clothes or be from a bygone era to enjoy a heritage portrait, to me heritage is simply enjoying where your family is in their lives right now. So that in the future when you look back on this moment, you’ll remember what made up your children’s lives and your lives as a family.

This is also something to cherish for your chosen families, for those of us who don’t have children to pass on ‘their family line’ to, your friends also want to be able to recall you as you are right now. We just happen to share most in the form of facebook profiles! So my questions for everyone, is how do we want to be remembered? If it’s not for a duck face selfie with filter ears (absolutely nothing wrong with that, it’s a very fun way to remember yourself), I’d love to invite you to love who you are at this moment while on the journey to being more.

Thanks to Amy’s family, we got to photograph my favourite style of portraits, black on black or dark on black background portraits. Why not have a bit of style and drama in your heritage portrait?